Wednesday, 1 February 2012

How To Increase Life Expectancy

Every human being if given the option would not want to die. The alternative to death is living a very long life or living for ever. But nature abhors this. We, then, as human beings want to live long and later die as it is naturally programmed.

A very simple way and manner by which we can live longer without much ado is to have enough of vitamin D in us. And this could be done by going outside your home. By going outside your home and getting yourself exposed to sunlight. The exposure of your body to sunlight produces vitamin D in your body which is very beneficial for your body and this increases your life expectancy. Vitamin D is good for taking care of depression, diabetes, heart attack, etc.

Studies have shown that some people have low level of vitamin D. This is because they do not expose themselves enough to sunlight by staying always in air-conditioned environment without exposing their bodies enough to sunlight. Thus the exposure of the body to adequate sunlight increases life expectancy, and makes the body healthy to get adequate amount of vitamin D. 15-20 minutes exposure of your face and hands to sunlight is enough to get efficient vitamin D for a healthy living and increased life expectancy.

If for a reason you cannot go outside to get enough vitamin D, there are vitamin D supplements that could be bought and used by you. Get across to your doctor so that he tests your vitamin D level, and if it is found out to be low, he shall recommend necessary vitamin D supplements  that definitely will help keep you healthy and live longer.

Make sure that the elderly ones in your family or under your care, at least, get outside once a day to get some exposure to sunlight. Apart from making them live longer, exposure to sunlight also induces sound sleep.

Other natural means by which your life expectancy could increase is by developing a regular schedule for sleep. Sleep enables the body to heal and regenerate. By having regular sleep hours will enable the skin to take care of itself naturally without drugs. Sleep becomes very important if you want to live a very healthy and fruitful long life.

Do you want to increase your life span now? Then keeping to natural and orthodox medicine and natural means of elongating your life by following tested methods and application of knowledge is necessary.

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