Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Anti-Aging Rules

Anti aging rules have to be kept clockwise to avoid aging rapidly. Rules when kept in any situation bring in orderliness and benefits to the keepers. So also keeping the rules of antiaging will make the keeper of the rules not age rapidly and benefit from antiaging and looking younger. The body shall be kept in proper balance for this purpose.

There are many rules that need to be kept to keep the body healthy and refreshed. Smokers cause a lot of harm and damage to themselves and to their health. Thus smoking aids aging rapidly. To look younger, there is the urgent necessity to quit smoking. Smoking causes a lot of health hazards, offensive odour and repulsive breath. Smoking decreases estrogen in the body that is vital for firm skin. This accelerates the aging process. You shall do a lot of good to yourself to quit smoking.

Do enough exercises for at least 30 minutes in a day, and these keep the body in good shape. This makes the blood to circulate well, and it increases the intake of oxygen. The rate of metabolism also increases and fats are burnt off. This regulates overweight that has its attendant problems too. So doing regular exercises daily will reduce the process of aging.

The body cells and tissues need enough water to function well. Except enough water is taken daily the body dehydrates and this affects the skin, which will not look healthy at all. There is, therefore, the need to drink enough water to keep the skin refreshed.

Consumption of non balanced diets, especially those rich in fats leads to overweight, and this puts so much weight on the heart and the kidneys and  this is followed by diseases. And once diseases affect the body aging process sets in. Consequently, there is the need to keep the body in proper balance in order to avoid rapid aging process. Except that you take care of your skin, by the time you leave your skin fluctuating in weight, it will definitely affect it. Therefore, there is the need to maintain healthy diets and engage in regular exercises to balance up your weight.

There is the need to have enough time to relax as well. The body needs periods of relaxation. It should not be tensed up all the time working for money throughout the 24 hours of the day. Try to align your body and mind for a balanced way of living. Stress makes the body to age rapidly so there is the need for the body to have enough rest and relaxation to avoid rapid aging process.

Ladies, particularly, should give adequate attention to their skins. Enough time should be made available for sleeping. Keep these rules and learn more how you could reverse aging.  Visit

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