Monday, 6 February 2012

Sex Tips For Older Men To Live Longer

Sex is what is needed in everyday life and some changes may come in as the aging process sets in. But if properly managed and with understanding of your partner, a healthy sex life could be maintained.
Taking care of your health is very important in your sex life sometimes you may have some health problems but they could be taken care of without impacting on your sexual lifestyle keep to medications and listen and abide by the advice given to you by your doctor. Do not risk your health for sexual pleasure. This may have untoward effects on your love life as the aging process sets in.
Try as much as possible to avoid alcohol and smoking. These pose a lot of health risks and the risks are more associated with old age. They can affect the virility of a man.Tthey affect the normal flow of blood and this in turn may prevent blood flowing into the pennis for erection and this poses problems to your partner, and this can cause emotional problems and the feeling of associating with an incompetent partner. Once you have problems about making sex and you still smoke and drink, you have the option of stopping for a healthier  and  longer life.
Discuss your sexual problems, if any with your doctor. Take your doctor into confidence and discuss with him your problem concerning sex. Some of them may be related to medications, if they are medication prone the doctor will take care of you. He may recommend to you changing the times you take your medications, or recommend other drugs for you that may avoid the sexual problems experienced by you.
You have to eat nutritionally balanced diets to take care of your health. Do not keep excess fats in your body that will make you to be fat. Once you are obese this causes health hazards such as hypertension, heart problems diabetes etc. This will definitely affect your sexual performance and to the displeasure of your partner.
Be sexually active. Avoid long periods of abstaining from sex. This will definitely affect your sex life and making regular sex also makes you to live longer. Sex itself is an exercise that helps you to be fit, just like doing regular exercises daily to keep you healthy. However, just like excess of everything is not recommended, do not over sex. Let there be moderation in it, but stay active and healthy sexually.
As you age, you should expect some problems about sex associated with old age. Do not be emotionally charged because of this. They occur in nearly every old person. Discuss this with your partner and let the two of you have good understanding of what it takes to be aging. Click here


Natural Methods For Anti Aging

Aging is a natural phenomenon that is very inevitable but natural methods could be used to control it through conscious efforts.To arrest the aging process we should not allow our bodies to dehydrate. Some people instead of drinking water eat food making the body not to have adequate supply of water. The cells and tissues in the body need water to function properly. An average of eight glasses of water is needed daily to rejuvenate the body.
There is the need for enough sleep to be observed. You need sleep to make the brain and the immune system function very well. Sleep makes the brain to work better. Tiredness associated with lack of sleep slows down metabolism and aging sets in. On the average eight hours be observed in sleep to slow down the aging process.
Taking regular exercises enhances the anti aging process. By aging, the muscles get smaller and this leads to loose skin and flabbiness. Many illnesses invade the body as the body becomes weaker. By regular exercises, you will have DNA younger than those of your age group.
Regular exercise makes the muscle to stay where they are, reduces fat levels and increases the rate of metabolism. More calories strengthen bones, increase oxygen intake and circulation and enhance better and sound sleep at night. All these aid anti aging. Avoid junk food.
Studies both in France and England have found that those that have higher rate of depression and those consuming junk food twice a week, are linked to insulin disorder resulting into diabetes and overweight.
Junk foods do not produce nutrients needed by the body for cells and tissues to grow, for healthy skin cells to keep the skin strong. Replace junk foods with whole foods.
Try a colon cleanse or body cleanse. This may help remove waste and toxins that have accumulated in your body that may interfere with body metabolism. By using these natural antiaging methods you will definitely look younger than your age. Use them and also consult your doctor for more fruitful advice.  Do you know rapid aging process could be curtailed? It is by applying tested and proven methods

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Anti Aging Nutritional Benefits

 .Aging is something that cannot be avoided but if we eat the right type of foods, its process could be slowed down. There is, therefore, the urgent need to eat food that will give us good health and prolong our lives.

Drinking water is good for the body system. Water is the force of life. Dehydration in the body causes, headache, lack of energy, tiredness, etc. By drinking enough water all the problems will be taken care of. If someone is dehydrated and the body cells and tissues do not have sufficient water to function, the aging process will definitely increase. Drink water regularly without being thirsty for the overall health of the body.

Be watchful of your eating habit. By eating heavy meal in the afternoon or evening after taking light breakfast will make you increase in weight, and once this happens, the process of aging equally increases. In order to increase your rate of metabolism to get rid of excess fat that will make you fat, it is better you eat small meals at regular interval say of 4 hours. Do not allow the rate of metabolism to slow down and when it does you have more fats and weight. This is not good for the aging process. Try as much as possible to change your eating habits for a better healthier living.  

The level of fat intake in your body is very important. Reduce the fat intake into your body. Foods that are high in fat when taken accumulate fats in you and this leads to increased weight. Do not take any food that have more than 30% fat content.

Butter fat, oils, margarine, etc are all fats and they should be avoided. Avoid fried foods-full of oils, fat and calories.Avoid also creams that are high in fat, and also processed foods such as cakes and cookies.

Instead consume fresh foods, vegetables and wheat grains. Let processed foods only complement a diet in all these. Fat is definitely good for the body, what really is not good for the body about fat is the accumulation of what is not needed by our bodies that makes us obese and cause health hazards for us. Unsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils etc are good for the body. Saturated fats are found in animal products and they cause health hazards such as heart disease. Coconut or palm oils even though are vegetable oils, yet they have a large amount of saturated fat.

There is the need to reduce sugar and salt intake. By regulating this intake, hypertension and adult prone diabetes will be reduced. You can completely do away with salt because most of the food consumed have salt in them and we can do good with salt free spices in place of salt such as pepper.

Concerning sugar, only consume products with less than 100 of the carbohydrate content. Avoid cakes, cookies and ice cream. They contain a lot of sugar that is not good for the body. Try as much as possible to detox at least once a week. Pollution, stress, bad eating habits affect the healthy functioning of the body. This leads to headache, liver problem, cancers etc.  By detoxing we reduce or stop overloading the body with harmful substances. Detoxing also gives the body plenty of nutrients useful for its function optimally. This speeds up the elimination of toxins and promotes cell renewal. The body needs antioxidants. Vitamins A, C and E together with selenium are antioxidants that promote the body from infections but also help us from aging rapidly.

Do  you want to arrest the aging process? It is necessary to do so. Click here  for your solution.

Care For Wrinkles As Anti-Aging Remedies

After spending a number of years and decades on planet earth, the aging process is as certain as darkness following daytime. And aging is manifested in many ways, and one of the common ways aging is manifested is the appearance of wrinkles on the body and on the face. They appear on different spots on the face and the body, and they are very common with the aging process. To look younger, there is the need to give necessary treatment to wrinkles to mitigate the old age look.

Even though wrinkles may appear at a later age let say from 40 to 50, in order to look younger it is better to start anti wrinkles treatment in the mid twenties when someone is relatively young. This makes the person look younger by the time the person becomes 50. The wrinkles that could have manifested at 40 or 50 have been taken care of by the treatment. Except that wrinkles that become manifest at the later age are treated, they will definitely become a wrinkles problem on the face and the body.

To combat aging by applying anti aging treatment cosmetic surgery is resorted to by many that want to look younger. For wrinkles treatment and treatment of skin texture, many types of treatment are available.
Surgery could also be used for the treatment of wrinkles. These treatments are painful and are also quite expensive. Some of the treatments, particularly plastic surgery like any other surgery has its grave implications and serious risks.

There are other antiaging solutions available without resorting to a doctor such as diet changes or by taking special medicines. Creams are also effective source of anti aging solution. Check the ingredients that make up any anti aging remedy before you buy it. Acetyl/Hexapeptide 3 is a very good ingredient for antiaging and any remedy that contains it is good choice for anti aging.

Another means by which wrinkles could be taken care of is by using the right skin care products. In using skin care products, you have to check the product you want to buy to know if it contains ingredients that will take care of your skin and treat unwelcome wrinkles. Choose products of a company that is trusted and having a good reputation for taking care of your skin. Choose products that will definitely take care of the the problem of the wrinkles.    
   Do you want an aging process that will take care of your wrinkles? Applying both orthodox medicine and natural means take care of the wrinkles.htttp://tinyurl.com78zh22m

Anti-Aging Rules

Anti aging rules have to be kept clockwise to avoid aging rapidly. Rules when kept in any situation bring in orderliness and benefits to the keepers. So also keeping the rules of antiaging will make the keeper of the rules not age rapidly and benefit from antiaging and looking younger. The body shall be kept in proper balance for this purpose.

There are many rules that need to be kept to keep the body healthy and refreshed. Smokers cause a lot of harm and damage to themselves and to their health. Thus smoking aids aging rapidly. To look younger, there is the urgent necessity to quit smoking. Smoking causes a lot of health hazards, offensive odour and repulsive breath. Smoking decreases estrogen in the body that is vital for firm skin. This accelerates the aging process. You shall do a lot of good to yourself to quit smoking.

Do enough exercises for at least 30 minutes in a day, and these keep the body in good shape. This makes the blood to circulate well, and it increases the intake of oxygen. The rate of metabolism also increases and fats are burnt off. This regulates overweight that has its attendant problems too. So doing regular exercises daily will reduce the process of aging.

The body cells and tissues need enough water to function well. Except enough water is taken daily the body dehydrates and this affects the skin, which will not look healthy at all. There is, therefore, the need to drink enough water to keep the skin refreshed.

Consumption of non balanced diets, especially those rich in fats leads to overweight, and this puts so much weight on the heart and the kidneys and  this is followed by diseases. And once diseases affect the body aging process sets in. Consequently, there is the need to keep the body in proper balance in order to avoid rapid aging process. Except that you take care of your skin, by the time you leave your skin fluctuating in weight, it will definitely affect it. Therefore, there is the need to maintain healthy diets and engage in regular exercises to balance up your weight.

There is the need to have enough time to relax as well. The body needs periods of relaxation. It should not be tensed up all the time working for money throughout the 24 hours of the day. Try to align your body and mind for a balanced way of living. Stress makes the body to age rapidly so there is the need for the body to have enough rest and relaxation to avoid rapid aging process.

Ladies, particularly, should give adequate attention to their skins. Enough time should be made available for sleeping. Keep these rules and learn more how you could reverse aging.  Visit

How To Increase Life Expectancy

Every human being if given the option would not want to die. The alternative to death is living a very long life or living for ever. But nature abhors this. We, then, as human beings want to live long and later die as it is naturally programmed.

A very simple way and manner by which we can live longer without much ado is to have enough of vitamin D in us. And this could be done by going outside your home. By going outside your home and getting yourself exposed to sunlight. The exposure of your body to sunlight produces vitamin D in your body which is very beneficial for your body and this increases your life expectancy. Vitamin D is good for taking care of depression, diabetes, heart attack, etc.

Studies have shown that some people have low level of vitamin D. This is because they do not expose themselves enough to sunlight by staying always in air-conditioned environment without exposing their bodies enough to sunlight. Thus the exposure of the body to adequate sunlight increases life expectancy, and makes the body healthy to get adequate amount of vitamin D. 15-20 minutes exposure of your face and hands to sunlight is enough to get efficient vitamin D for a healthy living and increased life expectancy.

If for a reason you cannot go outside to get enough vitamin D, there are vitamin D supplements that could be bought and used by you. Get across to your doctor so that he tests your vitamin D level, and if it is found out to be low, he shall recommend necessary vitamin D supplements  that definitely will help keep you healthy and live longer.

Make sure that the elderly ones in your family or under your care, at least, get outside once a day to get some exposure to sunlight. Apart from making them live longer, exposure to sunlight also induces sound sleep.

Other natural means by which your life expectancy could increase is by developing a regular schedule for sleep. Sleep enables the body to heal and regenerate. By having regular sleep hours will enable the skin to take care of itself naturally without drugs. Sleep becomes very important if you want to live a very healthy and fruitful long life.

Do you want to increase your life span now? Then keeping to natural and orthodox medicine and natural means of elongating your life by following tested methods and application of knowledge is necessary.

Methods For Natural Anti-Aging

Aging is a natural phenomenon that is very inevitable but natural methods could be used to control it through conscious efforts.

To arrest the aging process we should not allow our bodies to dehydrate. Some people instead of drinking water eat food making the body not to have adequate supply of water. The cells and tissues in the body need water to function properly. An average of eight glasses of water is need daily to rejuvenate the body.
There is the need for enough sleep to be observed. You need sleep to make the brain and the immune system function very well. Sleep makes the brain to work better.Tiredness that is associated with lack of sleep slows down metabolism and aging sets in. On the average eight hours be observed in sleep to slow down the aging process.

Taking regular exercises acts as antiaging of process. By aging, the muscles get smaller and this leads to loose skin and flabbiness. Many illnesses invade the body as the body becomes weaker. By regular exercises, you will have DNA younger than those of your age group.

Regular exercise makes the muscle to stay where they are, reduces fat levels and increases the rate of metabolism. More calories strengthens bones, increases oxygen intake and circulation, better sleep at night, sound sleep all this aids antiaging. Avoid junk food.

Studies both in France and England have found that those that have higher rate of depression and those consuming junk food twice a week, are linked to insulin disorder resulting into diabetes and overweight.
Junk food does not produce nutrient needed by the body for cells and tissues, for healthy skin cells to keep the skin strong. Replace junk foods with whole foods.

Try a colon cleanse or body cleanse. This may help remove waste and toxins that have accumulated in your body that may interfere with body metabolism. By using these natural antiaging methods you will definitely look younger than your age. Use them and also consult your doctor for more fruitful advice.Click here

Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Aging is a universal problem and it needs solution. This blog aims at arresting aging and maintaining your look for so long before the ultimate aging process sets in.